It is called a colonoscopy to view with the help of an HD camera starting from the anal region, which is the last part of the large intestine and proceeding along the canal, up to the ileocecal region which is the intersection of the large intestine and small intestine.
In the screening protocol of the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey in our country, every individual over the age of 50 should have a colonoscopy test, whether they have a complaint or not.
In the following case the scanning protocol is a must:
• Those with blood detected in the stool or with occult blood positivity
• Having a family history of colon cancer
• Intestinal polyps detected in previous examinations
• Those with persistent abdominal pain and weight loss
• If iron deficiency anemia was detected in the tests performed.
• Systemic findings suggestive of inflammatory bowel diseases
• Having a change in the diameter of the stool
• Suspected intestinal filling defect during controls.
• Colonoscopy should be performed in patients with new and sudden onset hemorrhoidal complaints.
In order to examine the inner surface of the large intestine in detail, the intestines must be empty and adequately cleaned. Therefore, colonoscopy is a technique that requires preparation.
• Those with systemic diseases
• Having an infectious disease
• Using treatment or device for heart disease
• Using blood thinners
• informing the doctors about their diseases before the procedure ensures that adverse events that may occur during the procedure are prevented.
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