Since anal abscess and anal fistula are anal diseases that can turn into each other, they are diseases that should be evaluated together.
Anal fistula is an alternative way out of the anal hole.
Anal fistula disease is usually observed in the form of pimple 2 to 3 centimeters from the anus.
Patients apply with typical complaints such as "this pimple is swelling", "it hurts from time to time" and then "I am relieved with the eruption of pimple ".
The most important complaint of the patients is that the discharges around the anal irritate this area when they come on the anal skin.
This irritation can cause rectal itching and associated ulcerations.
As a result of long-term fistula disease, it can be observed that there may be skin cancer due to fistula irritation.
In the diagnosis of the disease, the appearance of the external protrution of the fistula in the form of a pimple and the detection of the alternative route extending inside occupies an important place.
Therefore, while the treatment is planned, complicated, that is, advanced fistulas, anal region MRI and MR fistulography are necessary examinations for treatment planning.
The aim in the treatment of anal fistula is to include this alternative small path into the main path where our breech hole is located.
There is no single method of treatment.
Depending on the degree of the fistula and its distance from the anal hole, it is the right approach to apply a treatment method that will not damage the anal muscles and that the treatment of the disease will not cause greater problems.
Anal abscess
Between the muscle and fat planes around the anal hole .
It is the formation of an abscess after infection, which is named according to the region where it is located.
Patients have serious difficulties in walking and sitting.
“Duck walk” or “Shaky walk” is one of the classic clinical findings of patients.
As with whole body abscesses, sweating due to infection, systemic findings, increased heart rate and fever may accompany rectal abscess.
Although the diagnosis of the disease can usually be made by proctological examination, patients with high-level abscesses may need to be evaluated with perianal MRI if necessary.
It is one of the main rectal diseases that require urgent surgical intervention among proctology diseases.
In the treatment of the disease, evacuation and cleaning of the abscess and antibiotherapy are effective treatment methods.
It has been shown in many studies that antibiotic therapy alone is not effective in its treatment.
The most important complication of the disease is the formation of Fournier gangrene due to the progression of the abscess.
Fornier's gangrene can have life-threatening consequences.
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